As a lifelong member of the Grande Prairie community I have grown a significant professional network within the Peace Country region. I have always had a passion for business as demonstrated by my Finance Major at Grande Prairie Regional College. Real Estate has provided me incredible opportunities for growth and personal development amidst endless opportunity. I truly believe in supporting people around me with a precise focus on their Real Estate needs.
I was raised understanding 3 main principles to success: integrity, hard work, & consistency. These principles have formed in me a dedicated work ethic allowing my clients to trust in my ability to provide top notch service. My passion and devotion to learning has allowed me to quickly become a knowledgeable professional in the industry, while showing me how much I have yet to learn!
Strong core values have been crucial to developing solid relationships professionally and personally in our community. Grassroots Realty Group constantly fuels my motivational fire as member of such a dynamic & innovative team. I am thrilled to be apart of the #movement towards impacting the Real Estate Industry within Grande Prairie!